Best Practice: We recommend that you enable exams at least two weeks prior to the start of the exam window. This gives test-takers enough time to schedule their exam appointment and helps ensure we can plan capacity needs appropriately.
Steps for Exam Entry:
1. Log into you Moodle account.
2. Navigate to the course you would like to enable online proctoring for, toggle on the "Edit Mode" option, and select the "Add an activity or resource button" under the section you keep your exams.
3. Select the ProctorU/Meazure Learning tool from the activities options and press the "Select Content" button.
Note: The naming mechanism of the ProctorU/Meazure Learning tool is created by your administrator.
4. Navigate to the "Unproctored Exam" tab.
Note: Unproctored Exams are exams within Moodle that are available within the Learning Management System, but are not yet configured for proctoring. Proctored Exams are exams within Moodle that have already been configured for proctoring and have the appropriate settings applied.
5. Click the "Manual Configuration" button next to the exam you would like to configure.
6. Proctoring Settings:
- Select a term.
- Confirm the expected number of test-takers (pulled from the course roster).
- Confirm the exam duration (pulled from the exam details).
- Add any additional exam editors.
Note: Editors are pre-identified individuals that will have access to edit the proctoring configuration settings.
7. Department:
- Select the department that corresponds to the service line you would like the exam to be proctored with. LTI 1.3 is compatible with Live+, Review+, and Record+.
8. Configuration:
- Confirm the Exam URL (pulled from the exam details).
- Confirm the Exam Password (pulled from the exam details).
9. Exam Windows:
- Confirm the Exam Window (pulled from the exam details).
10. Allowances:
- Identify if you would like to allow resources during the exam. If not, select the "No Tools, Resources, or Behaviors allowed in Exam" option and proceed to the next step.
- To customize allowed resources, select "Allow Selected Options." Utilize and check boxes to indicate what resources you will be allowing your students to use during their exam.
Note: If any of your test-takers require an accommodation, you must submit a form to our Support team. Access the form here.
11. Notifications:
- Confirm contact information (pulled from the ProctorU account). Note: Meazure Learning will contact this individual if there are any issues during an exam session.
- Add Incident Report users.
- Add additional incident report users.
12. Press "Save Changes" to submit your form.
Note: After submitting your form, an exam activation request will be sent to our support team. Allow 24-48 hours for the exam to be activated. Once the exam is activated, it will appear under the "Proctored Exams" tab.
Editing the exam: If you need to edit your configured settings, navigate to the "Proctored Exams" tab, find the exam you need to make adjustments to, and select the gear icon. All changes must be made 24 hours in advance of the exam window.