NOTE: This process is for instructors or exam administrators using our Record+ service line. If you are using Live+ or Review+, please read this documentation instead. If you are not sure which service line you are using, please visit this page to see a description of each service we offer.
Steps for Exam Enablement in the Blackboard LMS:
NOTE: The ProctorU Platform supports versions v3200.0.9 and above of the Blackboard LMS.
1. To enable any Record+ exams with ProctorU, you must install the ProctorU Extension for either Google Chrome or the Firefox Browser.
2. Once you confirm the extension is installed, log in to your ProctorU account.
3. Log in to your Blackboard account.
4. Navigate to the course where you would like to enable the ProctorU Record+ service line.
5. Navigate to the section of Blackboard where you create exams and quizzes. You can set up a new exam or edit the settings of a pre-existing exam.
6. To enable Record+, click Edit the Test Options.
7. Scroll to the section labeled ProctorU.
8. Click the toggle to switch ProctorU from Off to On. NOTE: To ensure test-takers cannot take the exam without ProctorU, you must create your own password.
9. Scroll to the ProctorU settings to customize the sensitivity settings.
10. Scroll to the bottom to select certain resources for the exam. Click the checkbox next to the resources you would like your test-takers to use on the exam. Prior to starting the exam, your test-takers will be notified as to what is allowed.
11. Select ProctorU Notifications.
- Click the checkbox next to "Send me notifications when session starts" and select your preference between Email, Push, or SMS.
- Enter the test-taker’s email address to be notified when they begin their exam.
10. Customize any remaining settings and select Submit to share with your test-takers.
REMINDER: ProctorU Record+ Exams are on-demand and test-takers can take the exam within the time frame you select in the Due Date section.
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