How to Install the Guardian Browser on Windows
How to Install the Guardian Browser on MacOS and Troubleshoot Issues
How to Uninstall Guardian and ProctorU Software
How to Download the Guardian Browser
You can access the Guardian Browser using the button below. You will be presented with options to download a version specific to your operating system*. You can also download the Guardian Browser from within the ProctorU Platform.
*If you are using a work-issued device, Admin access is required to Download
You can also download the Guardian Browser from within the ProctorU Platform using the “Download Guardian Browser” button. If you attempt to start a new session without the Guardian Browser installed you will be first taken to a page prompting you to download it.
How to Install the Guardian Browser on Windows
- Click one of the buttons to download the Guardian Browser for Windows. This will prompt you to download the Guardian Browser.
- Find the Guardian Browser installer and install it using the prompts.
- Launch the Guardian Browser and explore the documentation and guides.
- After the Guardian Browser is installed you will be prompted to launch it whenever you begin an exam session. If it is already open your exam will launch within it.
How to Install the Guardian Browser on MacOS and Troubleshoot Issues
- Open the Guardian-Browser.DMG file. This will prompt you to move the Guardian Browser into your applications folder.
- Move it to the applications folder.
- After the Guardian Browser is installed you will be prompted to launch it whenever you begin an exam session. If it is already open, your exam will launch within it.
Troubleshooting MacOS Installation of the Guardian Browser
How do I identify my Apple Processor?
When using MacOS, you will need to identify the correct version of Guardian to download.
To identify the correct version, select the Apple icon in the top menu bar of your screen and select About This Mac.
If you see Chip: Apple M1 like in the image below, download the Apple M1 version of the Guardian Browser.
If you see Processor: Intel like in the image below, download the Apple Intel version of the Guardian Browser.
When I try to install the Guardian Browser or when I try to connect to a proctor on my Mac, I receive an error message that the app "can't be opened because it was not downloaded from the Mac App Store.
- You can make an exception to this MacOS security setting for the guardian browser by following these instructions.
- You can permanently change your MacOS security settings by following these instructions.
How do I enable Screen Recording for the Guardian Browser or for Chrome?
MacOS defaults to disallowing screen recording of apps downloaded from the internet. If you are running MacOS Catalina - version 10.15 or later or any more recent MacOS versions, you must grant the Guardian Browser access to the new screen recording permission in order to share your screen during a proctored session.
- You can update your MacOS screen recording settings by following these instructions.
This video will also show you the process:
Why Does the ProctorU Platform Need to See My Screen?
Sharing your screen is an essential part of remote proctoring. We monitor computer screens to make sure test-takers are only accessing the programs and digital information permitted by their institution while taking an exam. This ensures that no one has an unfair advantage over their peers.
How to Uninstall Guardian and ProctorU Software
For convenience we recommend keeping your Guardian or ProctorU software installed for as long as you are using it to avoid the need to reinstall. If you wish to uninstall our software because you are finished testing, or for any other reason, follow the instructions below.
How to uninstall the Guardian Browser on Windows
We recommend following Microsoft's guidelines for uninstalling the Guardian Browser from your Windows device. Those guidelines can be found here.
How to uninstall the Guardian Browser on MacOS
We recommend following Apple's guidelines for uninstalling the Guardian Browser from your MacOS device. Those guidelines can be found here.
How to uninstall LogMeInRescue (LMI)
Once the LMI chatbox is closed, the ProctorU Platform no longer has remote access to your computer, and the download should remove itself automatically. You can check this by viewing your Downloads folder. Each live proctoring session requires a new LMI download file. In order for us to live proctor another exam, you will need to download LogMeInRescue again.
How to uninstall the ProctorU Extension
Right-click the extension or add-on (the blue owl ) in your browser bar and select the option to remove it.