If you have a test-taker that needs to take their exam outside of the original exam window, you can create a Single-User Exam.
To create a Single-User Exam:
- Log in to your ProctorU account.
- Click on Exams.
- Click on the name of exam iteration that you would like to create the single-user exam for.
- Click on Exam Options.
- Select Create Single User Exam
- In the Invitation field, enter the name of the test-taker who needs to take the single-user exam. NOTE: If the test-taker already has a ProctorU account, you can type their name into the Test-Taker field. If the test taker's name does not appear under the Test-Taker field, you can type their email address in the Test-Taker Email field instead.
- Complete the exam iteration form, and be sure to extend the permitted Exam Window timeline.
- Once you have finished filling out the form, select Submit.
If you were able to find the Test-Taker's name under the Test-Taker field, the single-user exam will appear on their account immediately after submission and be ready for scheduling.
If you were not able to find the Test-Taker's name under the Test-Taker field and typed an email address under the Test-Taker Email field, an invitation will be sent to the email listed. The Test-Taker will need to accept the invitation from the email to add the single-user exam to their account and be ready for scheduling.
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