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Online Exam Proctoring with ProctorU
For your convenience, this course will utilize ProctorU to proctor your online exams.
What is ProctorU?
ProctorU is a service that monitors you while you’re taking your exams online to ensure that no cheating takes place, and to help you be successful. Using this service allows you the convenience of testing from home, in your dorm, or in a private room at the library. They are available 24/7, so you can take your test whenever it’s most convenient for you.
Go to to create your free ProctorU account.
How does it work?
After you set up your account, you can schedule your test (or you can even take it on-demand for an additional fee).I strongly recommend that you schedule your exam as soon as possible so you get a time that works well for your schedule and fits within the exam window.
At the time of your exam, you’ll log into your account and be guided through a 10- to 15-minute start-up process that will verify your identity, review the rules of your exam, and get you into your exam. You will be monitored and recorded during your exam to make sure that no one has any unfair advantages while testing. If cheating is suspected, I’ll be notified and will have video evidence of your session.
If you experience any technical issues during the start-up process, ProctorU technicians will work with you until the problem is resolved. In extreme cases when you cannot connect due to technical problems, you may have to reschedule.
All you need is a computer with a strong internet connection, a microphone, a web camera, and a cellphone or mirror. Laptops work, but you cannot use a tablet, Chromebook or mobile device. You will also need to have a valid government-issued photo ID (not a photo or copy of your ID). You’ll need to be in a well-lit, quiet area with a clear workspace and no one else can be in the room with you.
Be sure to schedule each exam at least 72 hours in advance to avoid premium scheduling fees.
Basic technical requirements:
You may review all equipment and technology requirements here. Please test your equipment with ProctorU’s free helpdesk service by clicking on “Test Your Equipment” on your ProctorU account homepage. If any of your equipment does not pass the check, which will be indicated with an X, click on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of that page. There you can speak with a representative to troubleshoot any issues. I suggest you test your equipment at least one day prior to your exam so they can resolve any problems that may be detected.
Do you need special accommodations?
If you require special testing accommodations, I will need to let ProctorU know. Please work with me prior to your exam to make sure your accommodations are noted in their system.
Does it negatively interfere with my computer?
ProctorU does not permanently impact your computer in any way. The only time they will go into your computer settings is to secure your testing environment or troubleshoot issues that may cause you to not be able to connect to their proctoring system. You will be able to see everything they are doing while they are working on your machine. Their proctors and technicians are right there with you every step of the way to provide free basic troubleshooting for common tech issues that can occur during your session, such as a slow connection or a high CPU. Depending on the requirements of your exam, your proctor may need to disable some settings and close any open programs. After your exam is over, you can ask the proctor to turn those settings back on for you. Once your exam is over and you have closed out of your chat session and video page with ProctorU, it completely removes the screen sharing client from your computer. You may also uninstall the browser extension after each exam session if you choose to do so.
Does ProctorU breach my privacy rights?
Absolutely not! ProctorU takes your privacy very seriously. They stringently adhere to all Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines. No student information can be shared without your direct approval. If you have any privacy concerns, you can visit ProctorU’s Privacy Policy page.
More questions? Please view ProctorU’s test-taker support FAQ page here.
Still have questions or concerns?
ProctorU wants you to know that they are always available to help! You can always start a live chat by logging into your ProctorU account and clicking the chat icon in the lower right side of your screen, open a support ticket, or call (855) 772-8678.