NOTE: We are in the process of removing the extension based language that auto-injects when you enable a ProctorU exam in your LMS. Please note this change will only be reflected in Google Chrome. To see this change, exams will need to be entered by instructors via Google Chrome and NOT Firefox. In the meantime, please add the following verbiage to your quiz descriptions:
“NOTE: You will need to utilize the Guardian Secure Browser for your exam which you can download here. Once you've downloaded the browser, open and then navigate to your Learning Management System to begin your exam.”
NOTE: This page was created for you to copy and paste any or all of this language you choose to include in your syllabus.
Online Exam Proctoring with ProctorU
For your convenience, this course will utilize the ProctorU platform to proctor your online exams.
What is ProctorU?
ProctorU is a platform that is partnered with your institution to help you take an exam online while ensuring academic integrity is upheld. Using this platform allows you the convenience of testing from home 24/7, 365 days a year.
Step 1:
Create a ProctorU account and download the Guardian Secure Proctoring Browser
Step 2:
Test your equipment by clicking here.
- Important: You will need administrative access of your computer. To view the other minimum requirements, view this article.
Note: Please test your equipment before exam day in an environment that is identical to or close to your actual testing location.
Step 3:
Prepare for exam day by reading this article.
Note: You will be required to use the Guardian Browser on exam day. When you are ready to take your exam, open the Guardian Browser and navigate to your LMS (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, or Moodle) to get started.
Do you have any testing accommodations?
The ProctorU platform is fully ADA compliant. If you require special testing accommodations, I will need to let ProctorU know. Please work with me prior to your exam to make sure your accommodations are noted in their system.
Does it negatively interfere with my computer?
ProctorU does not permanently impact your computer in any way. You will be able to see everything your proctor is doing while you are connected. Once your exam is over and you have closed out of your chat session and video page with ProctorU, it completely removes the screen sharing client from your computer. You may also uninstall the Guardian Browser after each exam session if you choose to do so.
Does ProctorU breach my privacy rights?
Absolutely not! ProctorU takes your privacy very seriously. They stringently adhere to all Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines. No student information can be shared without your direct approval. If you have any privacy concerns, you can visit ProctorU’s Privacy Policy page. For additional information, review ProctorU’s Student Bill of Rights.
Still have questions or concerns?
You can view ProctorU’s test-taker support FAQ page here.
ProctorU wants you to know that they are always available to help! You can always start a live chat by logging into your ProctorU account and clicking the chat icon in the lower right side of your screen, open a support ticket, or call (855) 772-8678.