The Exam Analytics Dashboard is updated in real time and provides you with a detailed understanding of your test-takers' Live+ and/or Review+ proctored sessions.
How to Access the Exam Analytics Dashboard:
- Log in to your ProctorU account
- Navigate to Exams.
- Click on the exam name you want to review.
- Click on the See More tab.
NOTE: For all terms, hover over the name and a definition will appear.
The Summary Tab:
- Unpermitted Materials: The number of sessions where unpermitted resources were identified by a proctor and removed from the testing environment.
- Active Interventions: Any action that is taken by a proctor, during an examination, to correct an action taken by the test-taker, clarify an expectation of behavior, or stop a potential academic breach from occurring.
- Confirmed Breaches: Total number of confirmed academic integrity breaches identified and verified by ProctorU.
- Test Taker Surveys: Test-Takers are given the opportunity to rate their satisfaction with their Proctor and the ProctorU Services on a scale of 1 to 5.
- Exams with Technical Issues: Any exam in which a test-taker encountered a technical issue that may have affected their launch process with ProctorU.
The Academic Integrity Tab:
Shows data comparing active interventions with the confirmed breaches. At the bottom of the page, you can sort by test-taker, date, or the type of integrity incident. When you click on the test-taker’s name, you are taken to a new tab showing the associated ProctorU session.
The Incident Report Center:
Includes any confirmed academic integrity breaches. Click on the test-taker name and you will be taken to the completed incident report.
The Investigate Experience Tab:
- Allows you to see a high-level view of the test-taker experience. You can review how many technical issues your test-takers’ experienced, on average how long they waited for their proctor, the average launch time, and the average start time.
- Under the Reservation Details section, you can sort by survey scores, technical issues, wait times, launch times, and start times.
The Start Time Tab:
Allows you to see the average wait time, launch time, and start time. In the middle of the report, you will see a scatter plot designed specifically for your exam. Click on a dot on the graph to navigate to the test-taker session at the bottom of the report. Click on the test-taker’s name to navigate to their ProctorU session.
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